



http://www.oki-wide.com/a-blog/ 200日本Okinawa學生參加2006七月荷蘭年會部落格


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class 317:
Don't forget to come back to school:
7/7週五 15.20 領准考證及登記分發報名表
7/15.16 週六日 國三重 第二次基測
7/24 15.20 週一 領二次基測成績單
7/27 14.20 週四 登記分發交志願卡及
8/11 15.20 週五 領登記分發通知單

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Links for Teddy Bear
Teddy Bear Project--- an interaction between 2 schools:

Tsai-To Bear, a guest visitor to Okinawa
from Taipei County San-Min Senior High School
台北縣立三民高中國中部 蘇信滿老師
Shogaku Bear, a guest visitor to Taipei San-Min
from Okinawa, Japan 日本尚學高中 上野浩司老師

Taipei, Taiwan:
1. blog:
2. Class 317 photo album: http://www.pixnet.net/dearsu1218

Okinawa, Japan:
2. http://www.oki-wide.com/iearn/okisho/

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dearsu1218 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

A Declaration on Natural Disaster Reduction
Nature can be less cruel and we can be winners!!!
By Taiwan SMSH 台北縣立三民高中國中部317班 蘇信滿老師 指導
For NDYS 2006, Dec. 2005

Earthquakes, typhoons, tsunami, hurricanes, and many other natural disasters have terrified us because they caused so many deaths and so much damage.

Mother Nature is cruel. It is not that we don’t enjoy or respect nature. In fact, we do enjoy birds singing, plants blooming, sun shining and other beautiful and delightful parts of nature. But, when the dark side of nature shows up, everything might be totally changed and all of a sudden, houses are ruined, roads flooded, trees eradicated and people killed.

However, nature can be less cruel and damage can be mitigated only if we are well-prepared. Prevention is the first step while we face any disaster. We can build stronger houses, store up necessary food and equipments, organize community rescue teams, and rehearse the procedures of relieving victims. Natural disasters are terrible, but we can be more secured when we prepare ourselves for their coming.

We all know that natural disasters are not only more frequent these days, but they also impact more lives than ever. A family, a city, or even a nation alone sometimes cannot provide immediate responses to victims. We all need a helping hand. Only when we are fully aware of the importance of mutual cooperation, can we stand up and fight against natural disasters.

Let’s declare war with disasters now. Examine nearby environments. Spot the dangerous places and rehearse escape routes. Let’s roll up our sleeves to help relieve the suffering. Damage can be reduced only if we work together. Nature can be less cruel and we all can be winners.

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For 台北縣立中正國中

蘇信滿 94.10.24


1.     台北縣三民高中國中部 http://www.smsh.tpc.edu.tw/home.htm

2.     I*iearn http://www.iearn.org/

3.     I*earn Taiwan http://taiwaniearn.org/

4.     Ajet Digital school http://ajds.nsysu.edu.tw

5.     ASEP2005

AJET數位學校2005年第一季課程開始報名2005第一季中階課程:Happy Earth Happy Me

6.     ndys2006

7.     317班級網路相簿 http://www.pixnet.net/dearsu1218 à部落格

8. I*earn 歡迎上教師網路課程

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AJET Digital School  (A捷數位學校)   http://ajds.nsysu.edu.tw

For Class 317, 308 & 219   By Sue Su    Oct.24, 2005



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親愛的同學們;今年的AJDS線上課程即將開跑囉!2005第一季中階課程:Happy Earth Happy Me



NDYS 自然災害防治青少年高峰會2006



1I*earn 國際教育資源網

2)台灣 I*EARN 為非營利的教育網路, 主要由志願的學校教師帶領學生一齊參與會員交流活動。

Youth Forum青少年論壇:

1Youth Room - A Place for Students To Meet Each Other

2Natural Disaster Youth Summit

4. 【線上英語學習資源】It’s fun to learn English online.

(1) BBC. http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/


(2) 公共電視英語站http://e4kids.pts.org.tw/

(3) YAHOO http://yahooligans.yahoo.com/

(4) 有用資料連結http://ww.tp.edu.tw.com/

(5) 康軒 http://www.teacher945.com.tw/student/index.asp

(6) 交換怪獸 http://www.monsterexchange.org/contact/feedback.htm

(7) 聊天機器人 http://alice.pandorabots.com/


(8) 看看故事書 http://www.kids-space.org/story/story.html

(9) 雙語語料庫http://candle.cs.nthu.edu.tw/totalRecall/totalRecall/totalRecall.aspx

(10) 訂閱免費線上電子報 http://tw.letter.yahoo.com/free/index.php


Greetings from Taiwan FHSH School!!   
Dear all:

We are students of Feng Hsin Senior High School, Taiwan! We are honored to join you in NDYS projects. Look forward to working with you soon!
Warm regards,
Doris Wu  English teachers of FHSH

** Also see students’ examples.

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蘇信滿位老師、317班 睿穎、長志、有訓、靖、佾蓁 共同整理紀錄


1. 94/10/1】台灣國際教育資源網International Educational and Resource Network(I*iean)秘書長壽山國中張輝正校長,及台灣國際聯絡人吳翠玲老師來e-mail告知:在高雄要舉辦『天然災害防治--亞洲青少年高峰會』National Disaster Youth Summit2006 (NDYS) 邀請本校參加。(本校為台灣國際教育資源網團體會員。) 

2. 94/10/12】五位同學表達意願參加. 5.6位同學因國三升學壓力放棄參加. 和該五位同學家長聯繫後, 他們同意以自費方式參加 9516號起在高雄的三天研討會. 家長並希望能同時兼顧課業成績. 

3. 94/10/15 5位同學,蘇信滿位老師及本校教務主任陳浩然老師在A捷數位學校申請帳號並開始連線上學習活動。

4. 94/10/18】破冰之旅--A捷學校及在I*earn教師及學生論壇上分別張貼自我介紹。5位 學生分成2 (3位女生及 2位男生) A捷數位學校平台上 邀請他校同學,組成學習小組。並邀請老師線上指導。

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Students' writings of our class have posted on Learning Circles, Computer Chronicles, iearn. Please take a look. the website address is:    http://www.iearn.org/circles/spring2005/index.htm
在iearn 網路上, 電腦大世紀 217 及 212班 資料, 歡迎參觀!!!

su. June, 7, 2005

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hi, class,

Don't forget you have another writing to be posted on our class album.


期限: Thursday, June 9, 2005

Try your best. su 0606

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請至班級信箱下載 dearsu1220@yahoo.com.tw

繳交日期: May 29 - June 3, 2005

加油   your teacher su

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Topic for June: Sports & Fun

為配合本學期最後一個主題---學生活動:運動好好玩 .請先參閱資料  Shu-Lin Stadium.


Have fun.

Your teacher Su, May 22, 2005

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From Malaysia, Cookie Bears hometown. "nizaha a hassan" <nizaha@hotmail.com>

Sorry for the late reply...here is what my student wrote for all of you:


Hi, i'm Nor Hfizatul Nazirah Khairudin.  i a from class 2 science. 

Nice to know you.  In our class, there are 30 students; 19 boys and 21 girls. 

We are lovely, friendly and also very noisy.  Our teacher always gets

headache because of us :) My favourite sports are netball and volleyball. So

does the other girls.  The boys like football.  Our school is famous with

football, sepaktakraw and volleyball.  Our teachers are kind and friendly too.

Our school was built in 1908.  We have about 600 students.  There are

21 classes.  We have to wear uniform.  For girls, we have to wear tudung

and white baju kurung and the boys wear a white shirt with long dark green

pants.  We are having exam this week. Then 2 weeks of school holiday. 

I hope you all got good result in your exam.


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  217 口頭發表次序 940520-0610
次序 No Date Topic photo
1 18 5月20日 Clothes  
2 36 5月20日    
3 39 5月20日 Music  
4 40 5月20日 Tea  
5 7 5月20日    
6 26 5月27日    
7 1 5月27日    
8 23 5月27日    
9 3 5月27日    
10 15 5月27日    
11 10 5月27日    
12 30 5月27日    
13 34 5月27日    
14 12 5月27日    
15 22 5月27日    
16 16 6月3日    
17 14 6月3日    
18 13 6月3日    
19 33 6月3日    
20 29 6月3日    
21 5 6月3日    
22 9 6月3日    
23 24 6月3日    
24 17 6月3日    
25 6 6月3日    
26 8 6月3日    
27 19 6月10日    
28 20 6月10日    
29 2 6月10日    
30 21 6月10日    
31 27 6月10日    
32 4 6月10日    
33 25 6月10日    
34 37 6月10日    
35 38 6月10日    
36 28 6月10日    
37 32 6月10日    
38 11 6月10日    

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Hi, teachers,

We enjoyed ourselves so much at 新竹南園, right?

1. For the wonderful two-day memory, I posted your photos here. Enjoy it!

    網路相簿非常容易下載, 只要把照片放到最大(對著所選圖片點二下), 另存圖片即可, 也可以連續播放(在相片左上角的圖示上)

2. You are also welcomed to visit our class online photo album and see students’ writings posted below some of the photos.此網路相簿可至最新留言查看學生最新留言

3. Please leave some messages below the photo you choose or on 留言板. My students and many foreign kids would love to read them.

4. Any questions? My email: dearsu1218@yahoo.com.tw

台北縣立三民高中國中部217班&蘇信滿老師 940515

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