I welcome all of the students and their parents to visit our class album.
your teacher sue

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作業繳交記錄表 4/27止
1. a 代表已交過小週記(3/11-18)
2. b 代表已交過AboutMe筆記本(4/8)
3. c 代表文章AboutMe上傳已上傳
4. d 代表已錄音AboutMe (4/29)
5. e 代表已交過School筆記本
5. f 代表已上傳School文章4/17
6. g 代表已上傳1st心得報告中文 4/15

701 33 Joanne a b c
702 6 Chen g
702 9 Eric a b c g
702 11 Joe b c g
702 13 Joe b c g
702 16 Henry a b c e g
702 19 Jim b c
702 20 Kevin a b+ c
702 26 Grace b c
702 32 Michelle b c e f g
702 33 Tina a b c g
705 28 Vicky b g
707 26 Amy a c
708 22 Doris a c g
709 27 Sandy a b+ c g
710 21 Nita b
712 31 Amy a b+ c
713 21 Nina a b+ c e f
713 19 Jason a b e f g
714 14 Taro b c g
714 26 Sherry a b c e f g
714 27 Patty a b c g
716 28 Ivy b c g
717 32 Kiki a b c g
718 2 Andy b c g
718 7 Bear b c
719 15 Stanly b c g
720 27 Coco b e
721 7 Nick b c
721 28 Cindy Chen a b f g
722 36 Cindy Huang b c e f g
723 21 Yi Ying a b c e g
724 24 Malissa b c
725 9 Jam b c g

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完整的英語第八節課講義,可以在此網頁dearsu1218.wetpain.com 最底部下載.以下是下週二的上課講義:

4.落格 & NDYS2008/writing
How to use Blog:
I. 簡介:
blog是一個免費網站,它可以讓您持續的在網站上寫些東西。新的事物會顯示在最頂端,如此您的訪客就可以閱讀最新的文章。接著他們可以針對閱讀過的文章發表意見。Blogger 意見園地 可以讓任何地點的任何人對您的文章發表意見。您也可以刪除任何您不喜歡的意見。
II. 申請帳戶:https://www.blogger.com/start 請記住你的帳戶email及密碼。
III. 開始使用:
1. 登入àusername (email), 密碼
2. 建立blogà blog標題 (如: Kevin’s home) à Blog Address (URL) 您和其他人將使用此項功能閱讀和連結至您的 blog (English)。
3. 張貼文章:建議先將文章以Word打好。
Blog: 新文章 à標題、內文。
4. 控制主頁、控制只主頁、設定、基本:只可以簡略介紹自己,用英文,不可以秀出中文全名、email、 ID、住址等。
IV. homework:
First one: Introduction 文章為介紹好朋友。張貼圖片(*註1) 照片至702班級相簿http://www.pixnet.net/dearsu1218,找到該相簿、對著照片按右鍵點兩下、放至最大後,按左鍵另存圖片即可。
Second one: Questionnaire from Pakistan:請自選3題回答,並至老師處登記
1.     What are some of your national festivals?
2.     If we come to Taiwan, what are some interesting places for site seeing?
3.     What is your country’s national sport?
4.     What is your country’s national flower?
5.     What kind of food do you eat?
6.     What is your national dress? [Pictures would be appreciated]
7.     What is your country’s currency?
8.     What languages do you speak?
9.     What city do you live in?
10. What are some major natural disasters which took place in your country in the past 5 years?
1.     What sports do you play in your school?
2.     What other kinds of activities do you have in your school?
3.     Does your school have a uniform?
4.     Does your have school coeducation?
5.     How many working days do you have?
6.     About how many holidays do you have in one school year?
7.     Are you allowed cell phones in your school?

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A. 1, 10, 13,16, 24, 33,38 blog 帳號錯誤 
B. 3,4,5,6,8,11,15,20,21,28,41,42,43 帳號未建 
C. 9,18,19,22,26,29,30,32 ok 沒問題 可以聯結了
另 teacher Su's website: dearsu1218.wetpaint.com/
homework: A. 6句英文週三中午前背好 B. 英文2-5句感想週五前教齊

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Dearest Sue,

We are back from the holidays and by now we are settled back in our school routine. i think its now time to introduce our classes to each other. As you know we have grade 8 here and their ages are around from 13 to 14 years. we have a mixed lot of girls and boys of about 16 students. Their names are:

1. Alina Wajahat
2. Anam Sajid
3. Anns Tahir
4. Atiya Aamir Sheikh.
5. Izhan Malik
6. Jehan Ara Faheem
7. Maleeha Arham.
8. Azeem Tiwana
9. Mohalil Ghufran
10. Mohammad Hamza
11. Mustafa Riaz
12. Sara Mahmood
13. Shanze Sheriar
14. Shayan Khan
15. Mujtaba Ali
16. Zara Abbas

Most of them have written a few lines introducing themselves to your students, which i have attached it along. When i first told them about being partnered with your school they all got excited but we realised that all we know is that taiwan exists on the map. but we don't know anything more then that. so hopefully it will be nice oppertunity to know more about each other countires.

looking forward to hear from you....
Naila Khan

PS. 1. I will try to send their class picture in my next mail
2. i am copying this email to 4 of my students as well who are responisble for posting reports on the net.

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1. NDYS2008專案介紹與實作
Your name:_________ Your parent:__________ (Sign here, please)
1. 申請加入NDYS __________________________________________________
2. NDYS2008's topic is:'Global Warming and Disaster Reduction'
What we can do to stop Global Warming to reduce the impact of Natural Disasters?
3. Main program主要活動-1: Global Disaster Safety Map (GDSM) 製作防治災害安全地圖
4. 主要活動-2 :NDYS Teddy Bears with Kid’s Safety Bag 為來訪小熊寫日記、照相。
961009 NDYS日本總負責人Yoshie老師來信通知和巴基斯坦學校配對成功。 巴基斯坦交換Teddy Bear學校:Learning Alliance , Naila老師
http://learningalliance.net/site/junior/index.html http://www.lahorepreschool.net/junior.htm
5. 寫介紹信函、與巴基斯坦同學互通email。閱讀對方來函、回信。
6. 上台報告Presentation、視訊Video-conferencing。如果時間許可。 Students made presentations and had discussions
相關網址: I*earn ____________________________________________________________
A. Japanese homepage: http://ndys.jearn.jp/eng.html
B. Taiwan AJET school: http://ajds.nsysu.edu.tw/
C. Taiwan iearn: http://taiwaniearn.org/
D. (1) 702 class: http://blog.pixnet.net/dearsu1218 老師公告用及班級相簿
(2) 702 blogger:http://dearsu1218.blogspot.com/ 學生為小熊寫遊記張貼處
(3) 我們將建的網頁:* http://dearsu1218.wetpaint.com/ class 701 及
三民校網上 http://www.smsh.tpc.edu.tw/newweb/2006bear.htm

2. 網路安全與使用規則 Internet Safety & Rules
You need to do:
1. 要聽從老師指導,不清楚的時候一定要先和老師或家長討論。
2. 要有禮貌:在網路上與朋友交談、留言、討論或寫電子郵件的時候,要有禮貌。
3. 要安裝防毒軟體:在瀏覽網路中,安裝防毒軟體與是基本的安全防護裝置。免費、功能強的美國線上(AOL)防毒軟體 Free antivirus: http://safety.aol.com/isc/MaximumSecurity/ 需鍵入email address.
4. 準備一本小筆記本,供「心情寫作」用—My English Diary. 每週2次—週三、週一交。內容為一天當中最有趣的事或你最想告訴老師、同學的事。歡迎加入插圖或勞作剪貼。
You CAN’T do:
1. 不要把自己與家人的照片、地址、電話、學校班級等個人資訊告訴他人。
2. 千萬不能與網友見面。
3. 不進入色情或惡意網站。
4. 在任何地方都不要把自己在網路上使用的名稱、密碼告訴他人。
5. 在公共區域上網,如:學校、電腦賣場,離開前一定要記得清除帳號、密碼並關閉瀏覽器。
6. 不應該隨便下載來路不明的程式(.exe檔)在你的電腦上執行。
7. 不可隨意使用網路上的圖片或文字,也不可以隨意張貼別人的文章、音樂、圖片到網站上,以免觸犯著作權。更不可以張貼不雅文字或罵人字句。
8. 不明附加檔案的電子郵件,不要回信,不要開啟附加檔案,立即刪除。開啟或拷貝一個有中毒的檔案都可能讓你的電腦中毒。
9. 不可隨意換座位,需按照座位坐。
You have to do these:
1. Be polite(有教養的).
2. Study hard & help others.
3. Listen to teachers & keep quite(輕聲的).
1. Don’t play in class.
2. Don’t go to bad website(網站).
3. Don’t leave(留下) names & email.

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看看應用科技網路學英文已經發展到此地步 http://voicethread.com/#q.b11608.i77330

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NDYS Yoshie老師來函, 請發表對溫室效應發表感想

Hi, Students of NDYS :
Do you thind Global Warming effect 全球溫室效應 on natural disasters? If you studied or find any effects of Global Warming on natural disasters, Please reply this mail.
** Yoshie Naya Coordinator of NDYS ****

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巴基斯坦交換Teddy Bear學校:Learning Alliance

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Dear Naila,
So happy to read your email and to have you as our partner school.
I'll try to ask my students to write a hello letter to yours around Oct. 25th.
Meanwhile, we would like to welcome you to take a look at:
(1.)our class photos: class702--- (http://www.pixnet.net/dearsu1218)
(2.) NDYS2006 blogger---(http://dearsu1218.blogspot.com/): writing for the visiting bear, our previous experience with Okinawa school, Japan, and their writing.---(http://okisho-taiwan.blogspot.com/) This group of students have graduated from school already.)
warmly, Sue

2.961009 巴基斯坦Naila老師來信:
Dear Sue,
We would love to exchange NDYS teddy bears. And i agree early november will also suit us just fine to exchange the teddy bears, as we are starting our EID holidays from this friday. our school will be closed for a week and we will come back on 19th of October. In the mean time i would love to know more about you, your students and Taiwan :). i am really looking forward to our partnership.
regards Naila

3.961009 NDYS日本總負責人老師來信通知和巴基斯坦學校配對成功:
Dear Sue,
Thank you so much for your mail.
It is a wonderful news that mothers of students join the project.Right now, teacher from Pakistan is waiting for the partner for NDYS teddy bear exchange.
They will send you the teddy bear with a safety bag.Can your school exchange teddy bear with Pakistan school? Your students have to prepare the Teddy bear with safety goods, too.
Mothers may prepare the cloth for teddy bear. If the teddy bear wore the folk cloth, the exchange will be more fruitful for both side.
After the bear from Pakistan visit your school, this bear visit each students home. Your students take photo of bear and share how the bear spend the life in Taiwan.
Hope to hear from you.
Warmly, Yoshie

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  • Oct 03 Wed 2007 17:58
  • 702

702 儀態比賽第二名影片檔尚無法上傳 敬請期待 如有上傳成功 請鍵入關鍵字搜尋即可
www.youtube.com -->鍵入關鍵字(702 san-min 三民 儀態比賽)搜尋

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dear class 702,

Students, please send the following information to me these days.
請參加英語課程同學將下列資料在近日內寄給我. My email address is: dearsu1220@yahoo.com.tw

1.your chinese name中文姓名, 2.number號碼(1-40),
3.your first name英文名字, last name英文姓氏(可在雅虎首頁字典裡查),
4.email address (如果有email地址, 請先傳給我. 如果沒有, 那麼上課時教妳們如何申請.)

註: 參加的家長也要歐(如果有email地址, 請先傳給我. 如果沒有, 那麼上課時教妳們如何申請.) thanks.

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1. 跨國英語學習活動 26人參加 請繳230元
家長 3人參加 不收費

2. 小小少林拳 33人參加 全班開課 收70元

3. 明日家長代表到校收上述費用 請用所附信封裝好

4. 段考完 10/23 10/24 開始上課

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702班第一次(96.09.20)家長晨會 結論及問卷 96.09.25


(1) 經費分攤如下:10/23起,共預計11次。本學期收費如下: (每堂課400元 X上課節數11 /參加人數,例如:20 ) =220。30人是147元。講義費(影印費)另計,約50元。 以上相關經費收支,由家長代表許麗秋女士管理。
(2) 課程安排如下:
1. 口說英語
2. DYS專案介紹與實作/應用網路資源在英語學習入門(簡介:網路安全與使用規則、e-mail、搜尋、部落格、優質網站、小小播客)/英語基礎寫作
3. 簡報設計、網站架設 * 同時非常歡迎家長也加入我們的行列,一起參與跨國英語學習活動。

2.小小少林拳 我們也再度討論小小少林拳舉辦與否,結果與會家長一致認為應提供機會,讓孩子多運動,所以以問卷方式,再選擇一次。
(1) 經費分攤如下:10/17起,共預計8次。本學期收費如下: (每堂課360元 X上課節數8/參加人數40 = 72元。因為這是班級活動,如果多數人同意,那麼就必須全班集體行動。
(2) 課程利用每週三自習課(2-2:50)。特聘武術專家趙烈儉老師指導。以上經費收支,由家長代表許麗秋女士管理。

3. 下學期第八節輔導課為了能延續課程、增強學習效果,希望下學期第八節輔導課能全班開課。
4. 購置3格書櫃2個,由班費支出。
5. 相關資料,請看:
(1) http://www.pixnet.net/dearsu1218 班級相簿。班級活動相關資料,請點選「部落格」。
(2) http://dearsu1218.blogspot.com/ 學生作品張貼處、NDYS2008、跨國英語學習活動資料。
702 家長代表 許麗秋 / 導師 蘇信滿 敬上 960925

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Introduction -- NDYS2008 & TeddyBear

1. NDYS2008:
a.Japanes homepage: http://ndys.jearn.jp/eng.html
b. http://iearn.org/
c. http://ajds.nsysu.edu.tw/

2. Teddy Bear Project--- an interaction between 2 schools:
Tsai-To Bear, a guest visitor to Okinawa
from Taipei County San-Min Senior High School
台北縣立三民高中國中部 蘇信滿老師
Shogaku Bear, a guest visitor to Taipei San-Min
from Okinawa, Japan 日本尚學高中 上野浩司老師

Taipei, Taiwan:
1. blog: http://dearsu1218.blogspot.com/
2. Class 317 photo album: http://www.pixnet.net/dearsu1218

Okinawa, Japan:
1. http://okisho-taiwan.blogspot.com/
2. http://www.oki-wide.com/iearn/okisho/

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